A MAZE. / Berlin 2022

11th International Games and Playful Media Festival

March Together!

by Simona Maiorano (Italy)

Genre: adventure

Jo's journey to school is disturbed by several men who harass her with unattended compliments and annoying cat calls. Visibly upset and uncomfortable, she meets Angela, who guides her through a process of awareness and emancipation.

"March Together" wants to acknowledge the systemic dimension of the phenomenon of sexual harassment, an issue that is often underestimated and in which the victims are often considered guilty or in some way responsible of what they suffer. As we walk with Jo, we learn how our attitudes and those of people around us fit in patriarchal social dynamics and that, in order to eradicate them, we need everyone's awareness and political commitment. Created by Simona Maiorano and Carolina Velati. Music by Marisol Jang. Special thanks: Camilla Checchia

Platform: Web